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South Sudan
Mundari tribe boys taking care of the long horns cows in a camp, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Toposa tribe young women in traditional clothing, Namorunyang State, Kapoeta, South Sudan
Mundari tribe woman walking in the bush, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Toposa people coming back from the market, Namorunyang State, Kapoeta, South Sudan
Mundari tribe boy taking care of the long horns cows in a camp, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Smiling Toposa tribe girl, Namorunyang State, Kapoeta, South Sudan
Portrait of a Mundari tribe man with hair dyed in orange with cow urine, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Aerial view of a Larim tribe village with Thatched roofs houses, Boya Mountains, Imatong, South Sudan
Toposa tribe woman in traditional clothing dancing during a ceremony, Namorunyang State, Kapoeta, South Sudan
Portrait of a Toposa tribe young woman, Namorunyang State, Kapoeta, South Sudan
Aerial view of a traditional Lotuko tribe village in the mountain, Central Equatoria, Illeu, South Sudan
Portrait of a beautiful Mundari young woman with ash on the head to dye her hair in red, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Mundari tribe woman carrying a huge bell while celebrating a wedding, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Dwarf baobab with pink flowers, Central Equatoria, Illeu, South Sudan
Portrait of a Mundari tribe woman with scarifications on the forehead, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Mundari tribe boy in front of a long drum in a cattle camp, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Portrait of a Toposa tribe woman, Namorunyang State, Kapoeta, South Sudan
Long horns cows in a Mundari tribe camp gathering around bonfires to repel mosquitoes and flies, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Mundari tribe boy covered in ash to protect from the mosquitoes and flies, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Mundari woman preparing coffee in the morning, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Aerial view of long horns cows in a Mundari tribe cattle camp, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Mundari tribe boy taking care of the long horns cows in the camp, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Portrait of a Larim tribe woman smoking a pipe, Boya Mountains, Imatong, South Sudan
Mundari tribe boy covered in ash to protect from the mosquitoes and flies, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Mundari tribe boy with his long horns cows in the camp, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Larim tribe women resting after grinding, Boya Mountains, Imatong, South Sudan
Lotuko tribe girls standing at the wooden gate of a house, Central Equatoria, Illeu, South Sudan
Portrait of a Larim tribe woman, Boya Mountains, Imatong, South Sudan
Lotuko trive woman smoking a pipe, Central Equatoria, Illeu, South Sudan
Portrait of a Larim tribe woman, Boya Mountains, Imatong, South Sudan
Mundari tribe man resting on a wooden pillow in front of a bonfire made with dried cow dungs to repel mosquitoes, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Larim tribe man with a wooden seat during a wedding ceremony, Boya Mountains, Imatong, South Sudan
Portrait of a Mundari tribe woman with scarifications on the forehead, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Larim tribe boy with a fashionnable look using a wooden toothbrush, Boya Mountains, Imatong, South Sudan
Portrait of a Toposa tribe woman, Namorunyang State, Kapoeta, South Sudan
Mundari tribe women with a chinese flag celebrating a wedding, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Mundari tribe boy covered in ash to protect from the mosquitoes and flies, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Larim tribe woman with traditional decorations on the head, Boya Mountains, Imatong, South Sudan
Mundari tribe men building a house roof in a cattle camp, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Portrait of a Mundari tribe boy, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Smiling Mundari tribe boy covered in ash to repel flies and mosquitoes in a cattle camp, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Portrait of a Mundari tribe woman with fresh fishes, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Portrait of a Larim tribe woman, Boya Mountains, Imatong, South Sudan
Smiling Toposa tribe girl carrying a baby in her back, Namorunyang State, Kapoeta, South Sudan
Aerial view of a Larim tribe village, Boya Mountains, Imatong, South Sudan
Mundari tribe women marching in line while celebrating a wedding, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Mundari boy dressed with western clothes plays football before going to sunday mass, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Mundari tribe men taking blood from an ill cow in a cattle camp, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Mundari tribe boy covered in ash taking care of long horns cows in a camp, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Portrait of a Mundari tribe teenage girl, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Mundari tribe man taking care of the long horns cows in a camp, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Mundari tribe boy with ropes taking care of the long horns cows in a camp, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Mundari tribe priest celebrating a sunday mass in a church, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Mundari tribe boy making a campfire made with dried cow dungs to repel flies and mosquitoes, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Mundari tribe man blowing in a cow horn, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Toposa tribe women with earrings, Namorunyang State, Kapoeta, South Sudan
Aerial view of long horns cows in a Mundari tribe cattle camp full of smoke, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Lotuko tribe woman performing a welcome dance, Central Equatoria, Illeu, South Sudan
Mundari tribe boy covered in ash taking care of long horns cows in a camp, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Long horns cows in a Mundari tribe camp standing in front of bonfires to prevent from mosquitoes bites, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Art print
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20x15cm (8x6")
200 €
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300 €
40x30cm (16x12")
400 €
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550 €
80x60cm (31x24")
750 €
100x80cm (39x31")
950 €
120x100cm (47x39")
1150 €
150x120cm (59x47")
1350 €
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20x15cm (8x6")
600 €
30x20cm (12x8")
800 €
40x30cm (16x12")
1000 €
60x40cm (24x16")
1500 €
80x60cm (31x24")
2500 €
100x80cm (39x31")
3000 €
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3250 €
150x120cm (59x47")
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